Sunday, February 28, 2021

UBD --- It's More Exciting Than The Acronym Implies!


What is UBD?  How Do I Apply UBD to a Lesson in My Classroom?

                “Think big, start small, go for an early win”(Grant Wiggins - Understanding by Design (1 of 2) - Bing Video, n.d.).  UBD or Understanding By Design, is a way of recreating a lesson so that it is useful, relevant and immersive.  It’s a framework that teaches and assesses for understanding and transfer.  To do this the first question we need to ask is: What in this lesson content is worth understanding?  To answer this question, we need to evaluate the larger concepts and processes across the content and then, wait for it… start backwards! Start backwards?  Yes!  Figure out what ideas the students should be able to demonstrate as a goal outcome from the lesson first and then build your lesson from there! 

                3 key items to keep Top of Mind while building your UBD lesson

1.       Choose topics that you, as a teacher, are interested in.

2.       Remember that you get what you put into your lesson (Grant Wiggins - Understanding by Design (2 of 2) - Bing Video, n.d.).  So, if you plan your lesson with critical thinking and creativity, your students will think critically and be creative.

3.       Your goal statement should not be the content with a pronoun in front of it. Your students need to know what they are doing AND why they are doing it.  Your goal should ultimately be a performance or understanding goal.

Here is a link to better understand UBD:  Authentic Education - What is UbD™?

Grant Wiggins—Understanding by Design (1 of 2)—Bing video. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2021, from

Grant Wiggins—Understanding by Design (2 of 2)—Bing video. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2021, from



Wednesday, February 10, 2021

How to Engage Students with Whole Brain Teaching


How to Engage Students with Whole Brain Teaching

            Searching for a way to engage and keep your students engaged in your lessons?  How about Whole Brain Teaching?  Whole Brain Teaching was first introduced as a method to keep students engaged in the classroom in 1999 by Chris Biffle, to excite students about their learning and make learning "brainbased, fun and free"(Lindstrom, 2010).  To watch a teacher in a classroom, seem to “play a game” with students, while they are learning, is absolutely jaw-dropping to see.  The method is fast-paced and highly effective.  "The core of our method is to get kids to teach each other," said Chris Biffle, founder of the Whole Brain movement. "When they're teaching each other they're seeing, saying, hearing, doing and feeling whatever the lesson has to be, and that's the whole brain."(Lindstrom, 2010)  In the link below, 1st grade students are learning with whole brain teaching for the first time. 

Lindstrom, N. (2010). WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING COMMANDS STUDENTS’ ATTENTION: Funny gestures, chants spice up daily lessons. In Daily Press (Victorville, CA). Daily Press (Victorville, CA).

Whole Brain Teaching: Starting WBT With 1st Graders - YouTube

Inside the Rabbit Hole

      From time to time when I'm scouring the internet (I'm supposed to be researching for my studies), I will inevitably fall into ...

Engage Students Using Whole Brain Teaching