Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Genius Hour


The Genius Hour

What happens when a student has the freedom to choose their own path to education?  The student is excited about his or her learning and he or she participates with a deeper level of critical thinking than he or she would if the material is not self-selected. 

Enter the concept of Genius Hour.  Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom.  It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school.”(“What Is Genius Hour?,” n.d.).  A Genius Hour is an hour of class that a teacher splits up typically over a week where students are permitted to work on their “passion projects”.  This is like what might happen in some corporate jobs.  Genius Hour effectively puts students in charge of their own academic destinies.  Look at this YouTube link to see some of the products of Genius Hours.

2014 Genius Hour Projects in 3.5 Minutes - Bing video

What is Genius Hour? (n.d.). Genius Hour. Retrieved March 4, 2021, from


Inside the Rabbit Hole

      From time to time when I'm scouring the internet (I'm supposed to be researching for my studies), I will inevitably fall into ...

Engage Students Using Whole Brain Teaching